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Compensation for vaccination damage

Vaccinations are important preventive medical measures against infectious diseases.

These vaccinations are intended to prevent the spread of serious diseases and the associated serious consequences.

Certain vaccinations, such as those against measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough and polio, but also against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, are publicly recommended by the health authorities.

Vaccine damage

Vaccine injury is defined as damage to health and economic consequences of a vaccination that go beyond the usual extent of a vaccination reaction. The prerequisites for vaccine damage are

  • The physical consequences go beyond the usual vaccination reactions
  • The physical consequences take the form of a persistent health disorder

Compensation benefits

The concept of vaccine damage is important in connection with possible compensation payments.
This is because people who suffer health problems as a result of such a publicly recommended or prescribed vaccination in the long term are entitled to benefits under the Infection Protection Act (IfSG).

In the application procedure, the LVR Social Compensation Department checks whether the health impairment that occurred was caused by the vaccination.

Further information on the respective benefits and the corresponding application forms can be found here.

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