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This website is published by the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR).
The LVR is a public corporation.
It is represented by the LVR Director Ulrike Lubek.

Contact us
Landschaftsverband Rheinland
Kennedy-Ufer 2
50679 Cologne

Phone: 0221 809-0
Fax: 0221 809-2200

You can find the addresses and contact details of our facilities and offices here: Overview of all LVR addresses

Sales tax identification number
Value added tax identification number (VAT ID no.): DE 122 656 988

Competent supervisory authority
Ministerium für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Digitalisierung des Landes
Jürgensplatz 1
40219 Düsseldorf

Responsible in the sense of § 18 of the State Media Treaty (MStV)
LVR Communication Department
Head: Dr. Doris Hildesheim
Phone: 0221 809-0
Fax: 0221 809-2200

Overall coordination of the Internet offering
LVR Communication Department
Online editorial office
Jennifer Büth / Jürgen Grommes / Andrea Steinert

More about the online editorial team:
Online editorial office

Editorial responsibility for the content published by the LVR lies with the relevant departments.

Design and concept web

SUNZINET / Your Digital Partner
Schanzenstrasse 23
51063 Cologne


Nicole Koj
TAS Emotional Marketing GmbH
Max-Keith-Strasse 66
45136 Essen

Reinhild Kassing
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 173
34119 Kassel

Web server and technical support

LVR-InfoKom - The system house of the LVR

Do you have technical questions about how the website works?
Then please send an e-mail to:

Legal information

Data protection
Further information on the subject of data protection can be found on our
Data protection page:
Information on the subject of data protection

The information on the website is constantly updated. Despite careful editing, data may have changed or errors may have occurred. We ask for your understanding in this regard. Please let us know if our own content is possibly not completely error-free, up-to-date and complete. For these messages, please use our Contact form.

The LVR takes great care in compiling the information for this website and endeavors to ensure that it is up-to-date, correct and complete. All content is intended for general information purposes and does not constitute a business, legal or other advisory service. The LVR does not assume any guarantee and is not liable for any material or non-material damage caused by the use of the service, unless it can be proven that the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence.

The laws, ordinances and decrees published on this website have been carefully compiled, but do not claim to be up to date or complete. The current version published in the relevant promulgating bodies (in particular the NRW Law and Ordinance Gazette, Official Gazette) is legally binding.

This website contains links to numerous offers on the Internet. The contents of the linked pages are created by institutions over which the LVR has no influence. The LVR does not adopt the content of these sites as its own. No liability whatsoever is assumed for the offers of third parties.

If the LVR discovers or becomes aware that the linked websites now contain illegal content or content that is incompatible with the LVR's mission statement, the relevant links will be removed immediately.

In addition, we would like to point out that parts of the pages or the entire offer of this website may be changed, supplemented or deleted without prior notice. Temporary or permanent termination of publication is also possible without prior notice.

The contents of the LVR website are protected by copyright. This applies in particular to photos, graphics and logos, video files and all texts and data. Reproduction in other media requires the prior written consent of the LVR.

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