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Individual support in daycare centers

Children with and without individual support and participation needs are cared for in:

  • Daycare centers: In many daycare centers, individual support and participation needs are also taken into account in everyday educational work in addition to the regular offerings. When allocating the available places, attention is usually paid to the proximity of the families' homes. A large number of facilities are already particularly experienced in the joint care of children with (potential) disabilities and children without disabilities or regularly care for an increased number of children with (potential) disabilities.
  • Curative educationday care centers: Only children with (potential) disabilities are cared for in curative education facilities. Here, the services are tailored to children who have very individual needs and require a manageable group. The childcare ratio is also higher.

Would you like advice?

As a rule, you can make an appointment in a facility close to your home to get a direct impression of the premises, the educational work and the support on offer. You can usethe KiTa-Finder for North Rhine-Westphalia on the Internet for this purpose . #Linkbeschriftung

If you have any questions about childcare options in a regular daycare center, please contact the youth welfare office responsible for you. There you will receive information on the available childcare places and the respective registration procedure.

If you decide on a special needs daycare center or would like to apply for integration assistance for your child, please contact the LVR case management responsible for you. They will also help you with the application process. Alternatively, the facility you have chosen will also help you with the application for integration assistance.

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