Fragen zur schulischen Inklusion

Questions about inclusion in schools

Do you have a child with special educational needs or are you a professional in the school sector (e.g. teacher) and have questions about school inclusion? Aspart of oursystem-oriented support forschool inclusion (SUSI), we will help you find the right contact person and guide you through the jungle of responsibilities. We also provide you with information on specialist topics and connect you with the relevant experts.

We support you and your child with support needs

In order to make everyday life at a mainstream school easier for children with sensory, physical or speech impairments, parents or school professionals can apply for special support services before they start school. These include, for example, technical aids, special school furniture or school support. The responsible office or the specialists in your area will check which aids your child is entitled to or which offer added value for the operation of your school. Please do not hesitate to contact us - we will put you in touch with the right person!

You can find more information about our offer here.

Our offers at a glance

If you haveany questions about school inclusion, we will guide you to the right contact person in your area.

Bildunterschrift: LVR-Lotse mit Karte des Rheinlandes. Illustration: © Stefanie Levers

We connect you with experts who can provide you with comprehensive advice on school inclusion.

Bildunterschrift: Beratungssituation. Illustration: © Stefanie Levers

We inform parents and educational professionals about advisory services, further training, job shadowing and specialist conferences in the field of school inclusion.

Bildunterschrift: Fachkraft des LVR berät Mutter mit Kind. Illustration: © Stefanie Levers

Illustrations: Stefanie Levers

Information video

Do you have any questions?

Then please contact us! You can reach us on 0221 809-3400 or by e-mail - we look forward to hearing from you.

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