Bild mit Pusteblumen

Help with addiction and dependency: children and young people

Children and young people can also be at risk of addiction or worry about the behavior of their parents, siblings and friends.

  • Do you prefer to use your smartphone and PC?
  • Are you unsure whether your drug use is okay?
  • Others tell you that you weigh too little or too much?
  • Are you worried that your parents or siblings are drinking too much alcohol, taking too many pills or drugs?

You don't have to carry these kinds of problems and worries around with you alone.

Help is available at counseling centers. Counseling is free, you can make an appointment in person or get advice online. Counseling is anonymous, so you do not need to give your name. The counselors are bound to confidentiality. This means that no one else will find out what you say or ask.

Information, tips and addresses

You can find helpful tips, self-tests, information material and addresses under the following links:

Children of addicted parents can find help and support at

Central points of contact, especially for the treatment of addiction and other mental illnesses, can be found in the (LVR) clinic responsible for your place of residence: the departments for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatics and psychotherapy offer outpatient and (partially) inpatient psychotherapeutic and medical services.

Use of language and integration mediators (SIM)

In many cases, the LVR finances language and integration mediators for people with a refugee or migrant background, not only in its clinics, if their knowledge of German is not yet sufficient.

Contact the LVR Competence Center Migration.

Further information is available here

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