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Employer-oriented entry consulting

Do you need support? Can you imagine employing a person with a disability in your company or creating a training position for them? Do you already employ a person with a severe disability in your company and are facing new challenges?

Then contact the specialist advisors for inclusion at your chamber!

As if from a single source - specialist advice on inclusion from the chambers in the Rhineland

People with disabilities have individual needs. Our aim as specialist consultants is to find answers and solutions to these problems together with the person concerned and the company.

On behalf of the LVR Inclusion Office, we work with all chambers of trade and some chambers of industry and commerce in the Rhineland.

Specialist advice for specific target groups

Employers sometimes know little about the capabilities and strengths of people with disabilities. The same applies to the - also financial - funding and support options for the employment and training of severely disabled people.

Small and medium-sized businesses in the skilled trades, industry and agriculture in particular often offer good conditions for employing people with disabilities. The mostly familiar working atmosphere and the intensive contact with employees and customers in everyday working life offer good framework conditions for the successful inclusion of severely disabled people in working life.

Service for employers from a single source

We provide advice and support - on site at your company, in a personal exchange and free of charge for you as an employer.

We advise you on technical and organizational workplace design options as well as on possible investment and wage subsidies. We can also advise you on the disability-friendly design of workplaces or technical work aids. We support you in the creation of requirement profiles, establish contacts with the funding bodies and compile the necessary documents.

Our service for employers in the network

Do you want to inform your members and other interested parties about the employment of people with severe disabilities and their peers? Would you like to know what training and employment opportunities are available for this group of people? Please feel free to contact us!

In addition, we support and inform you and your guests at your events, at educational institutions, guilds, district craft associations and federations.

You can find out more about the specialist advice for inclusion here.

Information video

Digital support

If your employees want more structure and stability in their day-to-day tasks, they can get digital support from the free InA.Coach app.

The app is designed to be inclusive and is aimed in particular at people with learning difficulties and cognitive impairments in the areas of work, home, school, household, etc.

The app makes it easy to create simple instructions for work processes. You can use pictures and text to make them colorful and motivating. Checklists, timers and a review function help.

Job coaches also benefit from the app. Together with their clients, they determine what is important for their tasks.

You can find more information about the InA.Coach APP here.

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