Integration assistance in child day care
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Child day care
Does your child need support in a regular daycare center? Or do you have questions about possible help in daycare? For children with (potential) disabilities up to school entry age, various curative education services can be considered as part of child day care. This can also refer to so-called curative daycare facilities, which are gradually being transferred to the regular daycare system.
Individual advice on the path to support
Which benefit is right for your child? And what do you need to consider when applying? You've come to the right place with these questions: Our LVR case management team will provide you with comprehensive advice: not only on day care for children, but also on all possible support services for children with (potential) disabilities, by telephone or in person on site.
Talk to us! The LVR case management of the LVR Department for Children, Youth and Family responsible for your region will be happy to advise you.
Information video
Associated services of the LVR
Here you will find detailed information on the benefits and eligibility requirements.
Please be aware of the fact that these information are only available in German.